untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet) untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm, detail untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm, detail untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm untitled (they were some yellow, grey and violet, 2022, oil on champagne chalk on plywood, 56 x 39 x 12 cm