Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow) Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm, detail Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm, detail Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm Untitled (a semi-tropic night that cast the blackest shadow), 2023, Oil on champagnechalk on plywood, 69 x 58 x 58 cm, detail